
Is the WHY consistent throughout your organization? The response will be NO in over 95% of cases.

When an establishment is uncertain, then the employees wouldn't get excited to come to the work because their objective would turn out to be just survival. Neither customers, nor employees will remain loyal in this condition.

To bring loyalty and make your organization the brand, WHY ought to be crystal clear and consistent throughout the organization. Once it's clearly defined and implemented inside, then the outer world will connect with your brand successfully.

If we analyze human history, its identical that 'people always buy purpose, not the product'. For example, people pay a premium price for Apple devices for their purpose 'Think Different', but features and technical specifications.

Apple products are the perfect match for individuals who Think Different. How about we team up and discover your WHY and say together "It's a Match".

  • AuthorAkash Patel
  • Tags Brand Loyalty, Core proposition
  • Date10 Apr 2019